
Monthly Blog/Vlog Posts Recording reality as a Cameroonian woman, Writer, Academic, Advocate, and Believer

Monique's Musings

November 30, 2020

Unlearning Episode 1

I am jealous of the love black women, African women reserve for men. Their men, the men yet to be theirs, the men who we are […]
September 30, 2020

Home is [Not] for Everyone…

I used to feel it was my mission to explain to people that ‘falling bush’ was not the answer to all problems. Given how much the […]
August 16, 2020

The Dilemma of Believing

  If you are a Christian who takes the faith journey seriously and one who uses their thinking faculties, then you may have come across the […]
May 31, 2020

A Mother’s Day For Each Mother

But behind all your stories is always your mother’s story, because hers is where yours begins.– Mitch Albom In Cameroon, it is taboo not to love […]
April 12, 2020

Faith Lessons in Times of COVID19: A short vlog

Hey folks!Happy Easter! I’m once again sharing my musings via a short video. Don’t worry, it won’t become a habit. I’ll find that writing spirit soon […]
March 1, 2020

Dear Fellow Cameroonians, Do us a Favor and Educate Yourself this Women’s Month!

As someone who is very vocal about being a feminist and someone who teaches feminist studies, I would get tagged on Facebook posts meant to ‘trigger’ […]
February 23, 2020

Vlog: What I Would Like to Share from My Fitness Journey

Hello there!I hope the year is going good so far. This month I haven’t been musing about much other than the deadlines I need to meet! […]
January 29, 2020

Being Intentional in the Journey

Happy New Year folks! Towards the end of the year, I attended a vision board workshop at church with a good friend and Christian sister called […]
December 30, 2019

Wishing You a Decade of Dependency and Thriving Despite Deficiency

As a teenager, I wasn’t really ‘taught’ how to cook. I moved around a lot. And in every home, I would have tasks like dicing onions […]
December 30, 2019

What Would you tell Your Younger Self?

We’re at the end of 2019 and I, like many others, will be doing the typical end of the year (or in this case, end of […]
November 11, 2019

Is There a Need for Reconciling my Faith and Feminism on the Issue of Virginity?

Recently, the internet was buzzing with news, opinions, and jokes on African-American rapper T.I’s declaration that he regularly takes his daughter for a virginity test.  As […]
October 31, 2019

#AboutMyFaith October 2019: A Vlog-post

Not every time writing… sometimes we vlog, eh? As always, I look forward to your thoughts, so drop a comment! Feel free to drag me as […]