
Monthly Blog/Vlog Posts Recording reality as a Cameroonian woman, Writer, Academic, Advocate, and Believer

Monique's Musings

June 30, 2024

Mid-year Reflections: A look back and A look forward…

Dear Readers, You’re cordially invited to do some mid-year reflection with me. This month in 2021, I was battling with suicide ideation. This same month last […]
April 9, 2024

On one of the days, I remember I love what I do…

December 26, 2023

Nov 2023: Looking Back at the Year of Self-Love

At the start of this year, I vowed to make this my year of self-love. I have struggled with self-esteem issues all my life and this […]
May 25, 2023

Musings on Motherhood, Or rather Opting out of it…

Have you ever considered that the reason one may want to have kids is unhealthy? This month’s musings are on my own coming to terms with […]
January 30, 2023

A Year of Self-Love?

One of my favourite quotes is by Zora Neale Hurston and it goes: There are years that ask questions and there are years that answer. I […]
October 31, 2019

#AboutMyFaith October 2019: A Vlog-post

Not every time writing… sometimes we vlog, eh? As always, I look forward to your thoughts, so drop a comment! Feel free to drag me as […]
June 9, 2018

The Employment Problem Cameroonians Are Not Talking About

When we think of employment issues in Cameroon, we often think of the unemployment and how graduates can go for years looking for suitable work. We […]
March 8, 2018

Dear Cameroonian Girl, Yes- you really, truly can #PressforProgress

Above is a brief message I was moved to make a few days back. It’s rough, but it captures the feeling I had that morning. The […]
December 26, 2017

The MILEAD Experience

In 2015 I was selected as the MILEAD Fellow for Cameroon. The MILEAD Fellows Program is a year-long leadership development program designed to identify, develop and […]
December 26, 2017

Attending the 2016 African Feminist Initiative Conference

I had the honor of having my abstract selected for my participation in the inaugural African Feminist Initiative Conference at Penn State, USA. The conference held […]