
Monthly Blog/Vlog Posts Recording reality as a Cameroonian woman, Writer, Academic, Advocate, and Believer

Monique's Musings

June 30, 2024

Mid-year Reflections: A look back and A look forward…

Dear Readers, You’re cordially invited to do some mid-year reflection with me. This month in 2021, I was battling with suicide ideation. This same month last […]
June 30, 2023

A conversation with Fungai Machirori

Last year I shared a great deal about my mental health struggles openly via my blog and this caught the interest of a ‘Digital Native’ and […]
August 21, 2022

Demystifying Mental Health- Episode 2

as I meditated it was clear that I couldn't share the story of my baptism- this renewal of vows and symbol of being 'reborn' - without speaking of how I have sought death.
April 30, 2022

An Interview with Myself on Depression: Episode 1

Mental health is gaining traction, more people are speaking up which is great. Getting therapy is becoming normalized (at least via Western media)- also great. But […]
February 23, 2020

Vlog: What I Would Like to Share from My Fitness Journey

Hello there!I hope the year is going good so far. This month I haven’t been musing about much other than the deadlines I need to meet! […]
July 15, 2017

What I Wish I Could Tell my Younger Self About Depression & the Things I Still Need to learn.

In Cameroon, you can be depressed for months without your roommate or neighbor being aware. Most likely this is not something limited to Cameroon, depression- emotional […]