
Monthly Blog/Vlog Posts Recording reality as a Cameroonian woman, Writer, Academic, Advocate, and Believer

Monique's Musings

March 2, 2015

Feminist When I Want To Be- The Convenience of our African Feminism

    March is International Women’s Month, I knew I would write something in relation to the women’s movement, a sort of state of the movement speech, […]
February 8, 2015

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways

Somehow, somewhere along the line of modern history February became the month of love. My musings are going with the trend. I was taught the different […]
January 6, 2015

A Happy, Thankful New Year

Hello everyone and welcome back to my musings. I hope you all had a lovely end of year and a good start to this new one. […]
January 6, 2015

Romance Meets Life: RML Woman: Monique Kwachou – Cameroonian Writer, Y…

Reposting this interview I had for a Nigerian blog Romance Meets Life.. Romance Meets Life: RML Woman: Monique Kwachou – Cameroonian Writer, Y…: Monique Kwachou is […]
November 27, 2014

On a Plethora of Things…

Hello once again to my little niche in the cybersphere.This time around I’m ranting on a plethora of things. I just couldn’t stop myself despite having promised […]
November 27, 2014

Words Left Unsaid

 Two days ago during one of my classes we discussed the Structural Adjustment Programs; policies enforced as a way to get indebted countries (mostly former colonies) […]
October 29, 2014

Travelogue Part 2: Of Wanna-be-Bushfallers and Bushfalling

This might sound like a rant, but if you are a follower of this blog you should be used to it by now.  Some months ago […]
September 27, 2014

Travelogue Pt. 1

  Hello everyone, it’s been a while right? Well, Monique of Musings has been blessed to be awarded a Chevening Scholarship. YAY! J This prestigious scholarship […]
August 20, 2014

Musings on the news

I have wondered about what to blog about this month. Wondered because though Musings is all about my stream of thought sometimes our minds are riverbanks […]
July 25, 2014

What We Should Be Investigating…

    As of the 12thof June, the World Cup kept football fans internationally enthralled. To say some people take their football as seriously as an HIV […]
June 20, 2014

A Recap: Camer Bloggers Hangout

     So my last blog post was on the laudable strides into blogging by Cameroonians. However while a lot of Cameroonian bloggers are coming up, few […]
May 22, 2014

The Laudable Series Pt. 1: Bloggers

         When it comes to our own; our country, bodies, opportunities we often dwell on the negatives more than the positive but it is a known […]