I’m 34 and like most people in my age group, social media has had me in a chokehold. I admit I didn’t know how bad it was till last year when my distraction with my phone came up during a quarterly review meeting. But it got me thinking. How did I get to this level of weakness when it came to social media usage, how is this unhealthy preoccupation sustained and how can I stop it?
The first part was pretty easy to answer. Life and adulting being what they are most of us are forced to live away from family/friends. I think the resulting loneliness that comes with the hustle, first and foremost, births social media addiction.
We’re not addicted to phones- or rarely, because some people are hooked on the next breaking news, trends or gossip. But for the most part, what we’re addicted to is the connection with others, which the fast-paced and often isolating capitalist lifestyle has robbed us of.
Well, in the spirit of my “Year of No”, I’m saying no to myself first. And this addiction is the first thing I want to deny myself. In the video below I explain how I’m doing some self-discipline with AppsBlock and StayFree