I found faith in
2007. Or rather God found me. It was during one of the worst times of my life (thus far). Suffice it to say drama levels were at an all time high, we’ll save that story for another day. Given the circumstances under which I found faith on my own, the healthy skepticism I came to find faith with, my liberal mindset coupled with regular conflicts/cognitive dissonance, I have never felt I was the right person to share the ‘good news’ with others. My motto was (and to a great extent still is) live a life that upholds the principles of your faith and you won’t need to quote so many scripture verses…
This motto is reflected in the popular adage attributed to William J. Toms “live your life as though it may be the only bible some may ever read”. While there’s nothing wrong with this philosophy, it however doesn’t negate nor replace the great commission that we’ve been given- to share the gospel with all who we can as part of our faith. And this part, I have thus far shied away from.
I had reasons for avoiding active evangelism, okay perhaps we’ll call them excuses rather than reasons, but I had them! For one, I didn’t like a lot of the examples of evangelists I knew of. Evangelists like the Jehovah Witnesses who would knock on our door to share the faith and some how felt they had the authority to declare that we were condemned to a fiery furnace unless we joined them; because to them our church wasn’t righteous enough. Or evangelist like the medical student cum University Hostel preacher who had left the Presbyterian church for a new-age Pentecostal church and begun asking those he thought were ‘good enough’ to join him in evangelizing to those he thought were immoral. He would later propose an affair saying
” we’ll use hotels out of town of course, where people who look up is can’t see us and be led astray”. There were several more evangelists who tarnished the image in my mind with their love for titles ‘(Brother Sam, Sister Julie, Apostle Leslie etc) and
their penchant for legalism, readily alternating social norms and religious dictates to their convenience,.
Suffice it to say, I never wanted to be mistaken for one and so I shied a way from sharing the word. Besides,
with some of my own unanswered questions and heavy criticism of religion, considering my ready understanding of why some people would choose not believe and respect for their prerogative not to… who was I to preach to anyone?
That was how I felt till this past year when I attempted to make a deal with God. I was literally like: Lord give me [insert heart’s desire here] and I’ll do this thing I’ve been shying away from. In retrospect, I was doing what most unbelievers criticize Christians for: acting as if God was a genie. For another thing, what I was offering as my ‘bargaining chip’ was something the faith demanded that I do anyway. So ugh, no deal.
Some friends and a pastor I respect brought the stupidity to my attention and I came to my sense somewhat. Rather than attempting ‘trade by barter’ with God, I decided to finally take up the work I had ignored. Actively evangelizing.
Still, I was reluctant. It mattered how I evangelized more than that I do it. And like I’ve expounded upon above, the examples aren’t pretty and I have my own hangups . So how do you share your faith, when you’re still growing in it yourself. When you don’t have it all together and when you’re skeptical of doctrine, critical of sexism and all the other isms our religion (not faith mind you) perpetuates.
Well I dragged my feet for months, considered the best route and finally decided on starting with teaching Sunday school. I’ve taught two classes thus far and it is a great experience for me particularly because I enjoy teaching. However, given my mobility and the structure of our church [teaching can be agonizing when you’re not the one making the lesson plan and/or curriculum] I found it wasn’t something I could do regularly. it’s unfortunate that the way our Sunday school’s are set up we’ll end up with even more believers in future who either quit the faith or become reciters of dogma they barely understand.
None-the-less the desire to keep the-vow-that-was-no-longer-a-trade had latched on and I recently decided that I would commence sharing my faith the way I share everything else… by writing.
Which brings me to this:
I write monthly on musings, expressing my opinions on everything and nothing, a rambling social commentary, which helps me share my views and opinions on my people, my society and add to the record of our living history.
I equally track my career journey and lessons learned on LinkedIn, my attempt at taking inventory of professional growth, as well as a way of marketing myself and encouraging whoever might have similar ambitions… With this “About My Faith’ page on my blog I plan to likewise do regular updates on my Christian journey, recording growth in faith. Offering my opinions on issues that conflict and console. Sharing the joy of the gospel as well as creating a space to question it. I won’t be preaching- not really- just sharing. I think that’s the best I can do towards evangelism at this time. All the same I’m excited, because today I choose to share my faith, cautious of but not fearing the the traps I’ve seen others fall in.
So, I hope you’ll join me. I hope you’ll read this page as you read the other. And I hope you feel free enough to question here, to dissent and partake in what I share.
A happy new year to you and yours!
I’d love to read your thoughts on this new addition to the blog- including topics you’d like me to consider as I muse on my Christian journey- so drop me a comment below.
I’ve attached some old posts I did on the faith issues so the page already has ‘older posts’.
If you’re intrigued by my blogging on my faith, this might be a nice time to hit the subscribe button!
By all means, dish the page.
I think it will help. Religion is a topic people feel passionate (or not) about; there is still an air of dogmatic taboo that makes reflection in religion a kind of abomination.
Break the ice; I welcome the idea.
By all means, please, dish.
Thanks Appolonia!
I appreciate your readership and hope you like the upgrades to the blog! Will definitely dish as per your encouragement. Happy New Year!