The practice of giving themes to a year is not a new one, it has been customary for many people across the world for ages. In Cameroon however, declaring themes for a year is fairly recent and has been made popular by Pentecostal Churches. Most often these themes are prosperity-centered: My Year of Double Portion, Year of Overflowing, My Year of Abrahamic Blessings… A few years back at New Years’ time, I wondered why they never think of themes like My Year of Hard-work, My Year of Discipline, My Year of Jacob-like Commitment, or even My Year of Sowing Seeds.
Of course, it is easy to conclude on why the latter themes would be less popular.
Growing older- particularly the part about growing older which involves awareness of death- it’s frequency, suddenness and callousness- will mature you and have you reflecting on all those plans you made and the aspirations you have. This is what made me to first take on the themed years. Growing older and the desire to make sense of every year, feeling like you’re living life to the utmost capacity. I had learned earlier on that plans failed and while I strongly advocate for a good Plan A and an acceptable plan B, I also understand that no matter how hard I try, some things are not in my power to determine.
Still, having a ‘topic statement’ for the year appealed to me and I dubbed my 27th year ‘My Year of Growth’. The year lived up to its theme, it only occurred to me too late that growth would/must come through pain.
Now a month into my 28th year I have once again found myself evaluating; am I where I’m supposed to be (I think so). Am I doing all I am supposed to do (unfortunately no, and even that which I do is usually done later than I planned for)? Above all, am I living my purpose (on a scale of 1 to 10, I think I deserve a 6)?
As 27 lived up to its theme so well I’m being careful as I decide on a theme for 28. I am thoughtfully considering what theme fits this chapter… What short-term goals I have to meet, and perspective I’ll take on will stem from this theme.It’s necessary to ponder deeply on it.
I have a few ideas already but thought I’d ask:
If you had to follow my tradition and have a theme for each age, what would you title this chapter of your life?