
Monthly Blog/Vlog Posts Recording reality as a Cameroonian woman, Writer, Academic, Advocate, and Believer

Monique's Musings

October 16, 2015

Returning Home Part Two: The Struggle is Real, Everywhere

I’ve been home exactly a month now. Along with the joyous reunions come the far from joyous realities. I’ve spent as much time correcting my fellow […]
July 13, 2015

How not to be the Dreadful Bushfaller/Returnee

Given the comment someone inboxed me I may have written too much on bushfallers already. Bear with me. These are my musings and for the moment […]
July 9, 2015

Self-Trafficking, Modern Slavery or the Wrong sort of Bushfalling

Two years ago around this same month, I had a conversation with a friend. We had only recently met. She had just returned to Cameroon after […]
June 18, 2015

Our Identity and Our shame

The Transracial Trend…  Please have a look at my picture in the about section of this page. Have a good look, read the bio.     […]
June 20, 2014

A Recap: Camer Bloggers Hangout

     So my last blog post was on the laudable strides into blogging by Cameroonians. However while a lot of Cameroonian bloggers are coming up, few […]
May 22, 2014

The Laudable Series Pt. 1: Bloggers

         When it comes to our own; our country, bodies, opportunities we often dwell on the negatives more than the positive but it is a known […]
February 27, 2014

An Open Letter to Cameroonians…

Dear fellow Cameroonian, How are you? I hope fine, though I doubt it. I doubt it because I hear you grumbling all the time. One of […]